Women are powerful. Women are creative. Women are the driving force of the human race. Women have always had to fight for equality, just as much as men. It is our time now to shine and show the world why women are phenomenal beings! We want to encourage women to publish their work with us, and amplify their voices so they can inspire others.

We are not just “another publication”. We are not just another blog or website promoting feminist ideals. We provide an outlet for feminist expression, whether it’s poetry, articles, stories, opinions, etc. Email us your work on admin@realshepower.com and we will consider publishing it.

After all the purpose of this platform is to showcase the work of women. We publish anything that is created by women. From articles in the form of short stories, poems, and opinions to paintings, sketches, illustrations by women. We also list products/services by women entrepreneurs and help them reach a wider network of women.

We want to hear from you! 

But first, subscribe and become a site member. 

Email your content on admin@realshepower.com 

Remember: all submissions must be accompanied with a picture and a short bio of yourself.